Thursday, March 3, 2011

Vegan Video

For anybody who grew up reading the funny pages, you've probably heard of the Bizarro comic before. If not, you missed out on some strange humour as a child...I'm sure you'll love it as an adult! Check out the website.

If you did grow up reading the website, you may not have realized that the artist was vegan. I didn't either up until a few years ago. I was reading my new addiction - VegNews magazine - when I came across a familiar name: Dan Pirraro.

"Hmmm, I thought. Didn't he do those Bizarro comics?"

Turns out he did! And he had also been advocating for animal rights for several years, too. I read his column and fell in love with his sassy vegan style. (Although today I wouldn't adopt many of the clever comebacks he has provided me with, even if utterly offended by the omnivore world. I just don't like confrontations. ;-D)

Anyways, you should watch this video, 'cause it's clever, and it's packed full of vegan know, in case you needed another reason to MARCH Meat Out!

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