Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alicia Silverstone Not 'Clueless' About Vegan Health

This video is a bit older, but still fairly interesting. I know Alicia Silverstone and her book, The Kind Diet, have not been in the news as much lately, but she's still very relevant! In fact, among all of the information I picked up at VVOA's presentation on "Becoming A Vegan" on the 1st of March, the mention of Alicia Silverstone was almost a highlight for me. I ran into the girl who mentioned The Kind Diet again tonight. She's been vegan for nine days now, and feeling great! ("I've lost five pounds," she told me, with a surprised grin on her face.) Silverstone's book is the only vegan cookbook she has, but I think she got a lot of ideas from the potluck we were at!

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