There is no giant step that does it. It's a lot of little steps.
~ Peter A. Cohen
October 2003 was the month I began this journey. I walked past a table describing factory farming and I decided then and there that I would no longer be a part of the massacre. After seeing the pictures of one of nature's most intelligent creations - pigs - being squeezed into pens only large enough for them to stand, and photos of the softest birds - chickens - crammed into cages three on top of each other, I made the easiest decision in my life. Telling my family, on the other hand, was fairly difficult.
Raised on a farm in rural Saskatchewan, I was one of the many people least likely to join the vegan movement. As an adolescent sufferer of bullying and a child born with a sensitive heart, I was almost destined to become a spokesperson for those creatures who have no voice. Having come from both paths, I straddle the fence quite a lot on veganism, and thus have become the "Cheatin' Vegan."
I believe in veganism, don't get me wrong. The only way to truly live compassionately is to be a vegan. How can you call yourself an animal lover and then eat them - or the fruits of their labour - for dinner? However, in the same respect, I understand that TRUE social change is gradual over time.
Yes, political revolutions have happened in human history, but there was far too much bloodshed to call those events compassionate. So, I advocate gradual changes towards veganism in our society. This means that I prepare vegan food for my family and friends, and share it with them in my home. When I socialize with them in their homes, though, I make many concessions in order to make their hosting of me less stressful. I will never again eat the flesh of another animal, but the occasional dairy product or the use of an egg in some one's home-made baking is acceptable to this Cheatin' Vegan.
I feel bad about the, I've started this blog. It began with just chocolate. If somebody offered me chocolate, I would accept it, knowing that there were most definitely milk products in it. Then, it became sugar. If there was sugar in something, that made it ok, too. So, then I decided that it would be if anybody offered me something...and then I even purchased chocolates to share with my coworkers! And gelatin-laden candies, too! Suddenly, it became too much. How could I call myself vegan if I made concessions large enough to eat cheese! So, I stopped calling myself a vegan. "I'm a cheatin' vegan," I'd say, but this confused people. "So, you eat meat?" they'd ask. "No way!" I'd react, "Not even if I was starving." The thought makes me nauseaous. So, then, why do I let myself cheat with the dairy products?
Another explanation for the Cheatin' Vegan is the fact that I'm not perfect, but I am a perfectionist. I don't struggle with my morals: I know what is right and wrong, and aim to always act in a way that reflects those morals. But sometimes, I mess up... Should I give up the whole cause for the occasional slip-up? No. And this blog is helping me stay focussed on the cause - and NOT cheatin' as much.
I know I'll go on forever about this, and my justifications for my wobbly commitment to the truly compassionate lifestyle won't end until I become a die-hard vegan. But, then, when I've finally reached the level of commitment to the cause that I strive for every day, I don't want to ever be "holier than thou." As easy as it should be, getting to that point of commitment is difficult, especially if you struggle to stick with a healthy diet regardless. Like I said, I don't struggle with morals, I struggle with will power. So, I want to help people understand the morals behind the cause, and encourage their growth in their commitment to it as well. This way, even though I may cheat sometimes, I'm still helping the cause grow...and I get better every day!
Also, nine months in, I'm thrilled to say that I sit more on the wall between vegan and raw vegan than vegetarian and vegan. My eyes may be straining from reading that nutritional information box, but I'm a cheater no more!