Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Helping or Hoarding? and a Tangent on Slumpets

A few weeks ago, I began to scour the immense amount of information on PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)'s website.  Among the many treasures, I found this article commenting on the animal cruelty involved with hoarding:

Helping or Hoarding?: "Many of us have had a peek into the bizarre world of hoarding courtesy of reality television. Accumulating piles and piles of household junk is…"

If you live in Edmonton, perhaps you remember hearing about that house in Terwillegar that had over 300 rabbits in it.  I believe that was last winter when the SPCA (or some other organization) confiscated the animals. 

I think the house was even condemned because of the remaining condition of it after having way too many living beings in it.  It was the slum of the rabbits. Which is even worse than the slums of humans.  Don't get me wrong, I know that people who live in slums have little opportunity to get out of the slums, whether through financial burdens, health problems or their own fear to leave the only home they've ever been it (that's the worst fear of all: the fear of the unknown).  But, in our society, those people living in slums are given much more respect than the animals forced to live in slums.  And, in our society, those people have the freedom to leave their situation.  There are numerous social programs to help them out.  Education, I will always believe, is the path to their freedom - and there are libraries in every major city in the world. Fear can be overcome. Health problems is a difficult one, which always makes me thankful for living in Canada, where you can receive free (or at least discounted) crucial health care needs.  For those animals, though, there is nothing.  They are forced into these domestic cages, unable to live the life they feel such a strong desire to live - a life of freedom.  Who speaks for the beings without a human voice?  Who will give them the respect any living individual deserves?

This is why I'm vegan.  This is why my cat is my best friend, not "my" pet.  This is why I am filled with so much joy when I come across a rabbit in the river valley.  This post is only the tip of the iceberg on my thoughts about this topic.

I know I've hit a few different points, but I want to hear your reactions to it.  Argue with me! Tell me I'm wrong...if you actually think I am.  I want this blog to be a doorway to a dialogue I have been meaning to have for the last seven years.  Please, share your opinion with me! Oh, and read the article on PETA's site.  It's an interesting topic that spawned a lot of ideas inside my head.


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