Check out these websites for interesting articles related to veganism:
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are probably the most known animal rights' group out there, and have quite the reputation for bringing attention to themselves. They normally team up with veg*n celebrities who want to help bring more attention to animal rights' issues. Their website is diverse, and could fit into many of the categories below as well. Definitely worth a bookmark on the computer of a recent veg*n.
VegNews Magazine
Some people say the magazine industry is dying, but I'll never buy it! I love getting this mag semi-regularly (due to a loopy postal worker), but when snail mail doesn't work, or I want to share a good read with my online vegan (or soon to be converted) friends, this is the next best thing! Check it out!
A nice forum with various articles regarding vegetarianism.
These websites have useful information regarding diet and nutrition, and all things related to Vegan Food Fun:
Veggie Resource Group Ingredient List
This site specifically deals with an ingredients found in various foods. The Veggie Resource Group spends endless hours researching all of those "hard to pronounce" ingredients you find in almost everything these days, and has created this list to help the rest of us. Support them with your donation if you can, and even receive a paper version of their guide for only $6!
Have you ever found yourself in a bar, telling people how great it feels to live cruelty-free...only to have them break your heart with the thought that the beverage in your hand may not be entirely vegan? If so, this website is for you, and any vegan who enjoys the occassional brewskie, bottle of vino, and even a juicy liquor. It has a fairly extensive list of vegan, vegan friendly and non-vegan (with explanation) options, as well as some links to some iPhone apps, for those of you who carry your internet with you.
Always a fan of books, here's a bunch I think you should read:
The Conscious Cook, by Tal Ronnen
How It All Vegan, by Tanya Bernard and Sarah Kramer
The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, And Saving the Planet, by Alicia Silverstone
Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero
Vegan with a Vengeance by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
You Are What You Eat, by Dr. Gillian McKeith