Nearly two weeks in, but the New Year's Resolutions(NYRs) are still on my mind. Actually, I think it's better that I'm two weeks in and still hashing them out. It wasn't planned like this, ... But as I learned last fall, the best things in my life have been well-researched but poorly planned!
It's time to stop the research, though, and just jump in - start researching through experience rather than through the books. (Ironically, one of my NYRs is to read more: five minutes minimum every night.) And so, here goes:
This blog may not be perfectly designed yet, but one day it will be. It's not getting any better designed with my sitting on it. Time to share it with you!
Which brings me to NYR numero uno: Cheat Less, Vegan More!
The justification for being a cheating vegan is that I come off as more approachable to people who are interested in hearing about the vegan lifestyle. Or, well, at least I ostracize less of my family as they attempt to accomodate my "difficult" life choices. But, in the process, I've lost a lot of the reasoning in why I am VEGAN and not VEGETARIAN, which is becoming more of a problem for me.
This is something that matters to me. I've been on this journey - openly - for seven years. I've been a "vegan" for the last two, but I've always cheated, just a little bit...
So, this year is different. I understand that mistakes happen. Cheating is inevitable, but it shouldn't be allowed everyday. So, like many other successful "diets" out there, I'm devoting a few days a week to cheating, and being STRICT STRICT STRICT during the week. I have, in essence, become a "Weekday Vegan / Weekend Vegetarian." And, no, I will never eat meat...probably ever again... (but I never like to say "never")
I want to maintain my approachability:
If you are a die-hard vegan, I commend you! You scour ingredients lists, make most of your food from scratch and probably devote a fair chunk of your hard-earned money to a growing niche market. Your hard work has made it possible for me to be a cheating vegan! Without you, I wouldn't know how to use applesauce in my Grandmother's Chocolate Cake rather than eggs! I would have stared at my noodles and tomato sauce, wishing for a creamy alternative forever! I may even have continued to eat real CHEESE - the most addictive thing in the world!!! Because of you stronger vegans, I don't have to do that. You probably never hear it enough - and never from the animals that mean it the most - so, THANK YOU!
Are you vegetarian? Fabulous! You have made one of the best decisions in your life by giving up the eating of flesh. I was among your rankings for several years (and, in certain crowds will retain this title, if only to appease the judgemental identity nazis). I hope you find some recipes on here that will inspire you to at least bake vegan (it's the easiest way to progress!). And, in time, maybe you'll be so tempted by my killer "Nooch Cheeze Sauce" that you'll cook vegan too! It's all a journey, and I'd love to be a part of your inspiration to continue! :-D
If you're an omnivore, I completely understand! I'll give you some great recipes to try and suggest some meat substitutes for you. I've been veggie for seven years, and lived with omnis for six and a half of those years - I know how to fool you! ;-) And I also want to encourage you to make small steps towards compassionate living. Whether you decide to try "Meatless Mondays," or even stop buying those horrible, antibiotic-laden, sodium-filled, mass-produced, cruel white blobs the supermarkets call chicken breasts and opt instead to purchase ONLY from your local farmer (who you speak to weekly at the farmer's market), I want to support and inspire you! Thanks for coming here!!!
This blog is to keep me honest, and to start the journey for others. I want it to be interactive, so please comment! Chide me, if you like, for not being strict enough; ask me questions if your vegan-curious and I'll give you my opinion. When possible, I'll try to provide some solid facts, but I'm a pretty big believer in opinions mattering more than those facts that can be easily manipulated. (But we'll get into philosophy after we know each other a bit better! ;-D)
Oh, ok, this isn't a perfect welcome, but it'll have to do! No more procrastinating...let's get this cheatin' goin'!!!
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